Apr 4


Who are Battaglia’s advocates in Buffalo?

News and analysis by Dan Telvock, Investigative Post's environmental reporter

Not everyone is against Peter Battaglia’s effort to expand his construction and demolition processing business in the Seneca Babcock neighborhood southeast of downtown.

His advocates, however, all have skin in the game—from his children to companies that dump at his facility.

I wasn’t kidding when I said I pored through hundreds of state and city documents for Thursday’s story about a decade-long battle between Battaglia and residents who live near his business.

Now is a good time to share some of the specific documents.

So stay tuned because I will post more documents and videos throughout the coming week.

For example, I mention how prominent Buffalo developer Carl Paladino is an advocate, customer and first cousin of Battaglia.

On Jan. 9, 2012, Paladino wrote a scathing letter to city Treasurer Michael Seaman in support of Battaglia’s expansion. Apparently Paladino is no friend of Common Council Member David Franczyk, who has opposed Battaglia’s expansion.

He writes that the city has balked on Battaglia’s expansion because “of collusion and abuse of governmental office and improper obstruction by David Franczyk who has chosen to illegally play politics with Battaglia by encouraging city and state official to give Battaglia the Buffalo 2-step.”

Does anyone know what the Buffalo 2-step means?

Read Paladino’s letter here.

There are letters from Battaglia’s children. I’ll share one because I like the drawing of the dog:

Joey Battaglia


James Grimmer of Hannah Recycling is a big supporter because Battaglia saves him a lot of gas money:

Hannah Recycling letter

Hannah Recycling letter

I even found a Peabody Street resident who supports Battaglia. But read the fine print: he’s an employee, or at least was at the time he wrote the letter.


Investigative Post