Nov 21


Donate to support Investigative Post’s vital reporting

Our annual fundraising campaign is underway. We've introduced a membership program with perks and donations of up to $1,000 will be matched.

Investigative Post needs you.

We’re in the midst of our annual fundraising campaign. This is an important time of year for nonprofits, as November and December is when most people do their charitable giving. We’re no different.

As a nonprofit, Investigative Post depends on community support. During our nearly 12 years of publishing we’ve established a reputation for hard-hitting, fact-based reporting that makes a difference. We employ the largest investigative reporting team in Buffalo and we play an increasingly important role in our media market.

The support of our donors this past year has enabled us to produce high impact stories including the City Hall clerk paid for seven years for not working, how economic development tax breaks are robbing school districts of operating funds, and the Buffalo Police Department’s targeting of motorists in the city’s minority neighborhoods.

Our work reaches a large audience through our website and partnerships with WGRZ, Channel 2, the Niagara Gazette and the Buffalo Challenger. We also publish WeeklyPost, a well-read email newsletter, and will soon introduce a second one focused on local government and politics that will be written by our senior reporter, Geoff Kelly. 

 Donations up to $1,000 made by Dec. 31 will be matched

Again this year we will match donations of up to $1,000 through the NewsMatch program, supplemented with support from local foundations and companies.

In other words, you’ll double your money if you donate by Dec. 31.

We’ve introduced a membership program, offering perks ranging from access to our email newsletters and a members-only Facebook page to newly designed t-shirts and a fresh cartoon drawn for Investigative Post by Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Toles. 

Donate online with a credit card or with a check mailed to us at 487 Main St., Suite 300, Buffalo, N.Y. 14203.

Investigative Post

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