Apr 23
Apr 23
Apr 23
Apr 23
Investigative Post is joining forces with WGRZ 2 On Your Side to form a ground-breaking partnership in the Buffalo market. WGRZ has contracted with Investigative Post to co-produce investigations, interviews and other news programming that focus on the problems confronting Buffalo and Western New York. “Investigative reporting is especially important in a troubled town like Buffalo and the partnership between Investigative Post and 2 On Your Side represents a solid one-two punch,” said Jim Heaney, editor and executive director of Investigative Post, which began operations in February. “2 On Your Side prides itself on investigative journalism and this partnership with[...]
Apr 23
Apr 23
Walmart’s history is punctuated with repeated allegations of predatory and anti-labor business practices. Add corruption to the list. An investigation published Sunday by The New York Times reports the retail giant engaged in systemic bribery to gain a foothold in Mexico and that corporate executives covered up the corruption when it was brought to their attention. After being informed of the corruption by a former company executive, The Times reported: Wal-Mart dispatched investigators to Mexico City, and within days they unearthed evidence of widespread bribery. They found a paper trail of hundreds of suspect payments totaling more than $24 million.[...]
Apr 20
Julian Assange resurfaces The WikiLeaks founder, still under house arrest despite not being charged with a crime, has launched a television interview program called The World Tomorrow. That prompted The New York Times to take another shot at Assange, while Salon’s Glenn Greenwald rose to his defense. Judge for yourself. Here is the first show, featuring an interview with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who has not spoken on camera since 2006. Good reads Fast Company takes a look at Steve Jobs during his “wilderness years.” Jobs matured as a manager and a boss; learned how to make the most of[...]
Apr 20
Apr 20
Regulations focus on air pollution to the exclusion of other concerns and give drillers more than two years to come into compliance. Rules drew mixed reaction from environmentalists and the natural gas industry.