68 Search Results for

Apr 30


Shining light on sewer overflows

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Update: The DEC released a statement today that sewage discharges will be reported on its website. You can visit the page here. “DEC is developing regulations for a second part of the law that requires publicly owned treatment works and publicly owned sewer systems to notify the public directly of discharges.  DEC plans to release the draft regulations this fall for public comment.” There is a good chance that thousands of gallons of untreated stormwater and sewage spill into local waterways when it rains in Buffalo and people wouldn’t have any idea it happened. That’s all about to change, but not at the[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Mar 13


Buffalo a little greener in Lower West Side

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In the summer it is not unusual to see children swimming in Black Rock Canal directly across from a pipe that can spew untreated sewer, storm runoff and toxic industrial chemicals into the water. As gross and dangerous as that sounds, the following details may not be for those with weak stomachs. Consider yourself warned. Each year about 52 million gallons of untreated storm runoff, industrial waste water and sewage enter Black Rock Canal. There are 14 permitted overflow pipes in this canal alone. Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper says some of the bacteria tests it conducted in the canal showed E. coli[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Sep 21


WNYEA White Paper: ‘A biocentric viewpoint is needed now’

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Canadian scientist and environmentalist David Suzuki coined the phrase “A Biocentric viewpoint is needed now,” but it’s become the mantra of a white paper that the Western New York Environmental Alliance released this week. Suzuki wrote in his first research paper after leaving his day job that environmentalism has failed because the worldview is that humans are consumers of earth, not a part of it. The white paper came from the Western New York Environmental Alliance Habitat and Natural Resources Working Group, Jay Burney, Joseph Schmidbauer, Larry Beahan and Art Klein. In it they wrote: It is time for us[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jan 3


About Us

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Current events underscore the importance of a vibrant press to a healthy democracy. Investigative Post is playing an outsized role in providing Buffalo and Western New York with in-depth, public interest journalism that make for an informed citizenry. Investigative Post is one of more than 450 nonprofit news organizations that have launched over the past decade across the nation in the face of the decline of local news outlets. We’re unique in a couple of ways. For starters, Investigative Post is the only news organization in WNY dedicated exclusively to watchdog journalism. We produce fact-based, nonpartisan investigative stories and analyses[...]

Posted 13 years ago